Welcome to the One Planet Institute
The One Planet Institute is a radical concept combining a suite of environment-related Masters courses with an innovative ‘residential programme’ organized around the operation of a self-sufficient smallholding. A variety of complementary activities will include foraging & bushcraft, music, woodland management, field botany and natural history. Such visceral and collective engagement with the natural world will function to 'educate the attention' of students, animating formal academic study whilst promoting a self-sustaining culture of reflection and debate. Masters degrees will be offered in a range of overlapping subjects from Sustainable Development and Human Ecology to Bushcraft Studies. For more detailed information please look at the following pages
The One Planet Institute is a project in process. This website is designed only to illustrate the concept and to provide a vehicle for market research. If you are intrigued by the concept and would like to register a possible interest in becoming a student when the Institute is launched in eighteen months time, then please fill out a registration form. We will keep you informed of developments.
